US Senator Ken Salazar - Colorado
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Senate Committee on Finance
Senator Salazar is a member of the Senate Committee on Finance, which has jurisdiction over tax policy (including the IRS), Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, customs, trade agreements, general revenue sharing, and tariffs and import quotas. Senator Salazar is a member of the following subcommittees:

  • Energy, Natural Resources, and Infrastructure
  • Health Care
  • Taxation, IRS Oversight, and Long-Term Growth

Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Senator Salazar is a member of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, which has jurisdiction over federal farm policy, including agriculture commodities, marketing, inspection and trade, farm credit and protection and rural revitalization. Senator Salazar is a member of the following subcommittees:

  • Domestic and Foreign Marketing, Inspection, and Plant and Animal Health
  • Rural Revitalization, Conservation, Forestry and Credit
  • Energy, Science and Technology

Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Senator Salazar is a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, which has jurisdiction over national energy policy development and research, federal and public lands including the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and National Parks, and water issues including the Bureau of Reclamation and groundwater resources. Senator Salazar is a member of the following subcommittees:

  • Public Lands and Forests
  • National Parks
  • Water and Power

Senate Select Committee on Ethics
Senator Salazar is a member of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics, which investigates allegations of misconduct by members, and recommends disciplinary action to the full Senate.

Senate Special Committee on Aging

Senator Salazar is a member of Senate Special Committee on Aging, which has the jurisdiction to study issues, conduct oversight of programs, and investigate reports of fraud and waste on issues of central concern to older Americans.



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