Dodd Statement on Senate Confirmation of Special Inspector General Neil Barofsky
December 9, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, issued the following statement after the Senate confirmed Neil M. Barofsky to be Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program.  The confirmation passed by unanimous consent last night.  Under Chairman Dodd’s leadership, the Banking Committee has been vigilant in its oversight of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, having held three hearings and coordinated frequent briefings since the passage of the law.


“I am pleased that the Senate has confirmed Mr. Barofsky for the important position of Special Inspector General.  I believe that Mr. Barofsky’s unique qualifications will enable him to carefully oversee the broad and unprecedented authority granted in the financial rescue law and to staunchly defend the interests of American taxpayers.  I look forward to working with Mr. Barofsky, and urge him to seek the advice and counsel of the Banking Committee and Congress in his new role.”

