News List

  • Radanovich Opposes $14 Billion Bailout for Auto Industry
    Dec 10, 2008  - Congressman George Radanovich (R-Mariposa) today voted against H.R. 7321, The Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act—a $14 billion dollar bailout for Detroit's Big Three automakers. "Unfortunately, the bill that passed today starts the ball rolling down a very slippery slope.  When the gov... More
  • Radanovich Presents Local Business with Department of Commerce Award
    Aug 14, 2008  - Congressman George Radanovich (R-Mariposa) presented local business Reed International/VSS Macropaver with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Export Achievement Certificate (EAC).  The EAC is given to local businesses that have used the U.S. Department of Commerce’s services to make their first ... More
  • Radanovich Joins Colleagues in Unveiling ‘American Made Energy’ Package
    May 22, 2008  - Congressman George Radanovich (R-Mariposa) today joined his Republican colleagues on the Energy and Commerce Committee by introducing an 11 bill “American Made Energy” legislative package designed to lower energy costs for American consumers by increasing domestic energy supply.   “American’s... More