Catalogs to Search:
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This catalog contains bibliographic records for continuing Government titles that are issued at a regular frequency of three or more times per year. Records date from 1976 and they contain links to titles that are available online.

Type word or phrase
Field to search

Search hints:

Hint Use quotation marks for phrase searching, e.g., "labor laws"

Hint Use hyphens for ISSN searches, e.g. 1234-5678

Hint Use hyphens and capital letters for Item Number searches, e.g., 0123-A-45 or 0123-A-45 (online). Please note: in order to search all formats of an Item Number, you must use truncation (?) after the Item Number, e.g., 0123-A-45?. For more information please see Item Number Search under How to Search > Advanced.

Hint STATISTICS = statistics, Statistics, and STATISTICS

Hint super? = super, superconductor, superintendent, superpower, supervisory, etc.

Hint ?ment = ailment, department, supplement, etc.

Hint wom?n = women and woman

Hint In non-phrase searches there is an implied AND between search terms

Hint Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT can be used between search segments

Hint L 2.6? = finds records with SuDoc number beginning with or containing L 2.6


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