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Lincoln's Trip to Iraq: September 2007

Lincoln and Senator Joe Biden at Kuwait's Ali Al  Salem Air Base

Lincoln and Senatoe Joe Biden at Kuwait's Ali Al Salem Air Base".

View from Blackhawk Helicopter en route to Ramadi. View from Blackhawk Helicopter en route to Ramadi.

View from Blackhawk Helicopter en route to Ramadi.

MRAP briefing MRAP briefing MRAP briefing MRAP briefing MRAP briefing MRAP briefing

Lincoln receives MRAP briefing.

Lincoln meets U.S. Ambassador to iraq Ryan Crocker

Lincoln meets U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker".

Lincoln meets Iraqi Vice President Adel-Abdul-Mahdi

Lincoln meets Iraqi Vice President Adel-Abdul-Mahdi".

Lincoln, Biden, Ambassador Crocker, and Iraqi Vice President Adel-Abdul-Mahdi in Ramadi

Lincoln, Biden, Ambassador Crocker, and Iraqi Vice President Adel-Abdul-Mahdi in Ramadi".

Lincoln meets Ambassador Charles P. Ries, Coordinator for Economic Transition in Iraq and Minister for Economic Affairs

Lincoln meets Ambassador Charles P. Ries, Coordinator for Economic Transition in Iraq and Minister for Economic Affairs".

Lincoln attends Anbar Economic Forum in Ramadi. Lincoln attends Anbar Economic Forum in Ramadi. Lincoln attends Anbar Economic Forum in Ramadi.

Lincoln attends Anbar Economic Forum in Ramadi.

Lincoln and Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi

Lincoln and Iraqi Vice President Tariq al-Hashimi".

Lincoln visits with U.S. Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno(center), Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham Salih (far left), and a British General (far right)

Lincoln visits with U.S. Lt. Gen. Raymond Odierno(center), Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister Dr. Barham Salih (far left), and a British General (far right)".

Lincoln and U.S. Troops in Ramadi. Lincoln and U.S. Troops in Ramadi. Lincoln and U.S. Troops in Ramadi.

Lincoln and U.S. Troops in Ramadi.

Lincoln Visits U.S. Troops in Green Zone. Lincoln Visits U.S. Troops in Green Zone. Lincoln Visits U.S. Troops in Green Zone.

Lincoln Visits U.S. Troops in Green Zone.

Lincoln's Visit to Baghdad Hospital Lincoln's Visit to Baghdad Hospital Lincoln's Visit to Baghdad Hospital Lincoln's Visit to Baghdad Hospital Lincoln's Visit to Baghdad Hospital Lincoln's Visit to Baghdad Hospital

Lincoln's Visit to Baghdad Hospital.