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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 15, 2008
MEDIA CONTACTS: Matt Mackowiak (Hutchison) or Brian Walsh (Cornyn)

Sen. Hutchison Asks White House to Extend Duration of Federal Cost Share for Debris Removal

WASHINGTON, DC - U.S. Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Texas’ senior Senator, and nine members of Congress today sent a letter to President George W. Bush asking that the duration of the 100% federal cost share for debris removal be extended beyond the originally announced 72 hours. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) and Reps. John Carter (R-TX), Chet Edwards (D-TX), Nick Lampson (D-TX), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), John Culberson (R-TX), Kevin Brady (R-TX), Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Ted Poe (R-TX) signed the letter, but additional members were expected to support the request.

“The federal government has agreed to underwrite 100% of the cost of debris removal for 72 hours, but we need more time,” said Sen. Hutchison. “In many communities, state and emergency officials have been unable to begin the debris removal process and so we are requesting that the timeline be extended.”


September 15, 2008

Dear President Bush,

We appreciate the efforts currently underway by the Federal Government to assist Texas residents impacted by Hurricane Ike. We have all witnessed the courage of our first responders and remain grateful that so many lives have been spared. Although we are still learning the exact extent of damage, early assessments paint a very dire picture. Over 2.2 million residents are currently without power, thousands of residents have been displaced, and many fear returning to a completely destroyed home in the coming weeks.

We are 48 hours out from landfall of Hurricane Ike, and we are just now entering some of the most heavily impacted areas of Texas including the Bolivar Peninsula. Still in a search and rescue mode, Texas remains days if not weeks away from commencing widespread debris removal operations. Furthermore, until debris can be cleared, local government cannot be fully operational.

As a result of the devastation of Hurricane Ike, State, Local and Federal Officials have requested that displaced residents not return to their homes. Many communities remain underwater or are inaccessible due to the significant debris left in the wake of the storm. On the day Hurricane Ike came ashore, you granted a Major Disaster Declaration for the State of Texas including 100 percent reimbursement for debris removal and emergency protective measures. Your declaration provides this vital reimbursement for 72 hours.

Due to the severity of the destruction to the Texas Gulf Coast, and the inevitable strain damage will put on our communities, we are urging you to extend the duration of 100 percent cost share reimbursement under FEMA Public Assistance Categories A and B. The extension of this critical support will ensure the State of Texas and impacted residents are able to recover as quickly as possible. We ask for your consideration of this request in light of these circumstances.

Thank you for your attention to this important request. The Texas delegation looks forward to working with your Administration as Texas begins the process of rebuilding.


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