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Sen. Hutchison Issues Statement on Immigration Agreement

WASHINGTON -- Today Texas’ Senior Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX), Chairman of the Republican Policy Committee (RPC), issued the following statement regarding the announced agreement on proposed immigration legislation:

“Having participated in many of the negotiations, I believe this immigration agreement has many good elements and represents a genuine effort to address a very difficult and troubling issue. While we have not seen the text of the bill, we will closely review it.

“First, we must ensure that the border is once and for all secured and that effective interior enforcement measures are in place.

“I want to be certain that temporary workers enter the country with tamper-proof ID cards and employers have a system by which they can verify their identity. For efficiency, I also want to ensure the private sector is utilized in administering a temporary worker program.

“I hope to be able to devise a system in which undocumented workers currently in the U.S. return to their home country and apply for legal re-entry. In a two-year period, and with proper processing in place, this should be achievable.

“I want to see how Social Security benefits are addressed. With its long-term solvency in question, it is important that credit be given only to those who earn their benefits legally.

“I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Senate to ensure we pass a sensible, workable immigration reform bill and do not repeat the mistakes of decades of failed policy.”


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