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Senator Byrd

Leadership.      Character.      Commitment.

U.S. Senator Robert C. Byrd

In the Senate, I serve on a number of committees and subcommittees.  Through these positions, I work to improve the quality of life not only for West Virginians, but also for people throughout the nation.

Committee on Appropriations
I was appointed to the Appropriations Committee by then-Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson when I first came to the Senate in 1958.  I am the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee.

Committee on Armed Services
This committee has as its mission the comprehensive study and review of all programs and initiatives that pertain to the nation's defense.  We often hear from the top military officers and strategists on the current challenges and conditions of America's Armed Forces.

Committee on Rules and Administration
The Rules Committee acts as an oversight committee of the Senate itself.  We work on issues pertaining to elections, candidate qualifications, and services offered by the Senate and related organizations.

Committee on Budget
The Budget Committee each year establishes the parameters for federal spending.  The Committee also examines the close relationship between the nation's fiscal policy and economic strength.