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Congresswoman Heather Wilson, First Congressional District of New Mexico

About Heather

Privacy and Security Policy

As part of my Web site privacy policy, no personal information will be collected about you when you visit my Web site unless you choose to provide that information.  I comply with four core privacy principles: notice, choice, access, and security.

For the FTC's Report and Recommendations on the Network Advertising Initiative, see http://www.ftc.gov/os/2000/07/onlineprofiling.htm.

Here is how I handle information about your visit to my Web site:

Information Collected and Stored Automatically:

If all you do during your visit is browse through the Web site, read pages, or download information, the only information I will gather and store about your visit is the following information:

  • The Internet domain (for example, "aol.com" or "xcompany.com") from which you access the Internet;
  • The IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web) from which you access my Web site;
  • The type of browser and operating system and connection speed used to access the site;
  • The date and time you access the site;
  • The pages you visit; and
  • If you linked to my Web site from another Web site, the address of that Web site.

This information is used for site management purposes -- to learn about the areas of the site that are of the most and least interest, the number of visitors to my site, and the types of technology my visitors use.  For users that simply browse and download information, I do not track or record any personal information about your and your visit.

If You Send Personal Information:

If you choose to provide me with personal information -- such as if you send me an e-mail or you fill out a form with your personal information and submit it through my Web site -- I collect and store your e-mail address and the content of your communication in order to consider and, as appropriate, reply to your communication.

In order to better serve your needs, I may share the information you give me with another government agency that is better equipped to respond to your concerns.  Additionally, federal law may require that certain unlawful communications be forwarded to appropriate law enforcement agencies.

We also may wish to save certain information that you provide us for future reference, in order to contact you about issues or activities we believe match your interests.  Before saving any information, you will be given notice and an express choice as to whether such information may be saved.  We won't assume that you have "opted in" to allow us to save your information simply because you have not "opted out."  Unless you give us permission, we will assume you haven't.  If you do "opt-in," we assume you would not mind if we save your information and in order to contact you later and find issues and activities that match your interests.  IF you would not mind us saving your information, please simply click the appropriate box.

Information on Children:  We do not ask children 13 and under for any identifying information.  We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from children 13 and under.

Links to Other Sites:

My Web page contains links, some of which are to other sites or other federal agencies.  Once you link to another site, you are subject to the privacy policy of the new site.

Unauthorized use, tampering with or modification of this system -- or its supporting hardware or software -- may violate federal or other statutes and may subject the violator to criminal and civil penalties.  In the event of unauthorized intrusion, all relevant information regarding possible violation of law may be provided to law enforcement officials.


Privacy Statement
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