Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana - Press Releases
Richard G. Lugar, United States Senator for Indiana
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Press Release of Senator Lugar

Lugar named in top 25 of public servants

Thursday, December 11, 2008

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Dick Lugar has been named one of the 25 greatest public servants over the past 25 years by the Council for Excellence in Government last night. The presentation was made at a Washington, D.C. dinner last night.
In a congratulatory letter, Council Chairman John Macomber and President Patricia McGinnis wrote that Lugar was chosen for his “remarkable service to the state of Indiana, the U.S. Senate and the nation as a leader and statesman,” and he is “an inspirational role model for a new generation of public servants.”
The 25 Great Public Servants were selected by a committee of Council Trustees for their outstanding leadership in government at all levels and they example they set for up and coming public servants across the country.
Other awardees include the Honorable Everett Alvarez, Jr., the Honorable Norman Y. Mineta, the Honorable James A. Baker, III, the Honorable George J. Mitchell, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Mayor Richard M. Daley, the Honorable Peter G. Peterson, Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the Honorable Colin L. Powell, the Honorable Al Gore, the Honorable Thomas J. Ridge, the Honorable Lee H. Hamilton, the Honorable Alice M. Rivlin, Dr. Shirley A. Jackson, the Honorable Robert E. Rubin, the Honorable Thomas H. Kean, the Honorable George P. Schulz, the Honorable Edward M. Kennedy, the Honorable Donna E. Shalala, the Honorable John Lewis, the Honorable Paul A. Volcker, and the Honorable John C. Whitehead.
Lugar was the fourth person ever named Outstanding Legislator by the American Political Science Association, received the Heinz Award for his work on the Nunn-Lugar program and was named one of the 10 best senators by Time Magazine. He has 41 honorary degrees from 14 states and the District of Columbia.
Some other awards Lugar has received include:
Food, Agriculture & Health
National Farmers Union (Golden Triangle Award), American Society of Animal Science (Distinguished Service Award), North American Export Grain Association (Amstutz Award), International Walnut Council (Black Walnut Achievement Award), Agribank District Farm Credit Council (Distinguished Service Award), Public Voice for Food and Health Policy (Golden Carrot), National Association of Conservation Districts (Distinguished Service Award), Farm Bureau Federation (Golden Plow Award), American Meat Institute (Richard E. Lyng Public Service Award), National Association of State Foresters (Bernard L. Orell Award), National Pork Producers Council (Bronze Symbol Service Award), Alpha Zeta Agriculture Fraternity (Distinguished Honor Roll Member), Frozen Food Institute (Congressional Leadership Award), Indiana Primary Health Care Association (Healthcare Superhero), Friends of the World Food Program (Leaders in the Fight Against World Hunger), Bread for the World (Hunger Hero), Center for Summer Learning (Champion of Summer Learning Award), American Diabetic Association (Annual Service Award), Indiana School Food Association (Thomas P. O’Hearn Award), American Lung Association (Spirit of Indiana Award)
Foreign Policy
The American Assembly (Dwight D. Eisenhower Service to Democracy Award), National Democratic Institute (W. Averell Harriman Democracy Award), International Foundation for Electoral Systems (Charles T. Manatt Democracy Award), VFW (Dwight D. Eisenhower Distinguished Service Award), American Academy of Diplomacy (Excellence in Diplomacy Award), Global Green USA, Eisenhower Institute (Eisenhower Leadership Prize), Keystone Center (Leadership Award), American Foreign Service Association (Lifetime Contributions to American Diplomacy Award), American Jewish Committee (Congressional Leadership Award), U.S. Air Force Association (International Achievement Award), Center for the Study of the Presidency (Public Service Medal), National Institute of Social Sciences (Gold Medal), Institute of International Education (Stephen P. Duggan Award for International Understanding), Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (Paul Simon Award for the Promotion of Language and International Studies), Center for Civic Education (Dale E. Kildee Civitas Award)
Economics & Business
Citizens for a Sound Economy (Jefferson Award), Small Business Survival Committee (Small Business Champion), Small Business & Entrepreneur Council (Small Business Champion), U.S. Chamber of Commerce (Spirit of Enterprise Award), National Manufactured Housing Federation (Distinguished Leader Award), National Association of Manufacturers (Manufacturing Legislative Excellence)
Boy Scouts of America (Distinguished Eagle Scout Award), March of Dimes (Public Affairs Leadership Award), National Council of La Raza (Capital Award), The Africa Society of the National Summit on Africa (Visionary Award), Faith & Politics Institute (Lewis-Houghton Award for Conscience, Courage and Compassion), Seniors Coalition (Guardian Eagle), National Alliance of Senior Citizens (Golden Age Hall of Fame Award), National Recreation and Parks Association (National Congressional Award), League of Private Property Rights (Champion of Private Property).