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Issues & Legislation


Senator Dorgan grew up in the rural community of Regent, N.D., where his family raised cattle and horses and worked in the farm equipment and fuel business. He has fought throughout his career for agriculture and trade policies that stand up for the economic interests of our producers.

Community Safety

Throughout his time in Congress, Dorgan has worked to ensure that law enforcement agencies, firefighters, and other first responders have the equipment and personnel they need to keep our communities safe.

Defense and Veterans

The men and women in our armed forces have served our country bravely. Senator Dorgan has worked throughout his career to ensure our troops get the resources they need to carry out their missions and return to their loved ones safely, and that the federal government fulfills its commitment to veterans.


With an emphasis on creating good-paying jobs here at home, Senator Dorgan has worked for common-sense economic policies that benefit North Dakota families.


From guaranteeing that every child receives quality K-12 instruction to expanding higher education opportunities, Senator Dorgan is committed to making sure that every North Dakotan has access to the best education possible.


To address the energy crisis facing the country, Senator Dorgan believes we need a balanced and diverse approach toward our energy policy, and he knows that North Dakota is the perfect example of how we can develop all sources of new energy.

Health Care

Senator Dorgan believes access to quality, affordable health care needs to be a priority in Congress.  He believes no one should be denied coverage or asked to pay outrageous premiums just because they need medical care. 

Social Security and Medicare

Senator Dorgan is a strong supporter of Social Security, one of our nation's most successful programs and a reliable safety net for millions of Americans. Senator Dorgan also understands that as a rural state with a large population of seniors, North Dakota relies on Medicare to provide quality health care to many of its residents.

Stopping Waste, Fraud and Abuse

When wasteful government contracts are given to well-connected corporations, and then low-quality work is done, Senator Dorgan believes it hurts more than just taxpayers - it also hurts our nation's security. Dorgan has led the charge in the Senate to ferret out waste, fraud, and abuse throughout all areas of the government.


Whether the issue is the freedom of the Internet, the availability of broadband and phone service, or the consolidation of media outlets, Dorgan believes that the federal government has an obligation to look out for the American public, not big corporations.


Senator Dorgan supports expanded foreign trade, but insists that it must be fair and mutually beneficial trade. He believes that America's trading partners must open their markets to our products, and that we must take action to reduce our expanding trade deficit.