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The House is scheduled to consider H.R. 6515, the Drill Responsibly in Leased Lands (DRILL) Act. This bill contains the “use it or lose it” language that does not open up any new lands anywhere to American energy exploration and production.  Read More

Democrats vote against removing ban on oil shale exploration.  Read More

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Hundreds of Renowned Scientists Highly Skeptical of Man-Made Global Warming
December 12, 2008  - Amid fervent calls by leading Democrats to inact sweeping climate change legislation, a new report illustrates that many leading scientists of very dubious of supposed man-made global warming "evidence." The U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works Minority recently published a stunn... More

Democrat Journalist: Any Honor Left in Today's Journalism?
October 23, 2008  - Those seeking the truth about the root cause of our current financial woes, and who is truly culpable for allowing this debacle to happen, should read this excellent article from Orson Scott Card, a Democrat newspaper columnist. Card succinctly states the point that I have repeatedly pointed out ... More

Should Some in Congress Be "Perp-Walked"?
October 1, 2008  - The sad reality of the day is that the media simply does not care about the truth of what’s caused our current mortgage market meltdown and the resulting Bailout fiasco. There has now come to light overwhelming, damning evidence that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are together the primary cause of t... More

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