The United States Association of Former Members of Congress was founded in 1970 as a nonpartisan, nonprofit, educational, research and social organization. It has been chartered by the United States Congress and has approximately 550 members who represented American citizens in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives.

The Association promotes improved public understanding of the role of Congress as a unique institution as well as the crucial importance of representative democracy as a system of government, both domestically and internationally.

Citizens and businesses are far better served if the people making the laws understand fully the impacts those laws will have. The U.S. Association of Former Members of Congress brings together decision makers from the United States and other countries so that they will learn, among other things, what impact their laws will have on each other. Face-to-face meetings remind lawmakers that their decisions affect people and peoples` businesses and help them understand the differences in cultures, economies and political processes that shape everything from national security to trade policy.

How a former Members should view the Congress
by Hon. Lee Hamilton

Association`s 2007 Report to Congress

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