Hearings - Hearing
Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety hearing entitled, “EPA’s Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR): Recent Court Decision and its Implications.”
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
10:00 AM EDT
EPW Hearing Room - 406 Dirksen

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Majority Statements
Thomas R. Carper

Minority Statements
James M. Inhofe


Opening Remarks

Panel 1
Brian McLean
Director, Office of Atmospheric Programs, Office of Air and Radiation
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Panel 2
Jared Snyder
Assistant Commissioner for Air Resources, Climate Change and Energy
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Eric B. Svenson Jr.
Vice President, Environment Health and Safety
William H. Spence
Executive VP and Chief Operating Officer
PPL Corporation
Chris Korleski
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
John Walke
Director, Clean Air Program
Natural Resources Defense Council


EPA’s Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR): Recent Court Decision and its Implications.”
Majority Office
410 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.Washington, DC 20510-6175
phone: 202-224-8832
Minority Office
456 Dirksen Senate Office Bldg.Washington, DC 20510-6175
phone: 202-224-6176