Senator Benjamin L. Cardin - U.S. Senator for Maryland
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Cardin, Mikulski Meet with Maryland Teachers of the Year
Cardin celebrates opening of Gwynn Falls Trail
Senators Cardin (far L) and Mikulski honor Maryland Teachers of the Year. The Maryland Teacher of the Year program recognizes exemplary educators in each of the 24 jurisdictions across the state. Senator Cardin is committed to ensuring Maryland's teachers have the tools and training they need to provide a first-class education to their students.
Cardin Announces New Small Business Initiative In Baltimore
Cardin Announces New Small Business Initiative In Baltimore
Senator Cardin announced the selection of Baltimore by the U.S. Small Business Administration to participate in the SBA's new Emerging 200 program. This program targets inner-city businesses in 11 cities across the United States and provides them with the training and resources they need to succeed and grow.
Cardin Celebrates Opening of Gaylord National Hotel at National Harbor
Cardin Celebrates Opening of Gaylord National Hotel at National Harbor
From R to L, Senator Cardin, Gaylord CEO Collin Reed, Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson, Senator Barbara Mikulski, National Harbor developer Milt Petersen, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Prince George's County Council Vice Chair Marilynn Bland, Maryland Lieutenant Governor Anthony Brown, and Gaylord National General Manager Sheldon Suga.
Cardin Congratulates the Trust for Public Land for Protecting Potomac River Viewshed
Cardin Congratulates the Trust for Public Land for Protecting Potomac River Viewshed
On the bank of the Potomac River across from Mt. Vernon, Senator Cardin congratulated the Trust for Public Land on their important work protecting the Potomac River viewshed from harmful development.
Cardin Opens New FDA Headquarters at White Oak
Cardin Opens New FDA Headquarters at White Oak
Senator Cardin joins (R to L) Senator Mikulski, FDA Commissioner von Eschenbach, M.D., House Majority Leader Hoyer and Betsy Bretz of LabQuest in celebrating the opening of the new U.S. Food and Drug Administration Headquarters. The new FDA facility at White Oak is a state of the art testing and evaluation center dedicated to protecting America's food and drug supply.
Cardin Tours NOAA Lab on Eastern Shore
Cardin Tours NOAA Lab on Eastern Shore
Senator Cardin receives a briefing from NOAA scientist Gretchen Messick on the health of the blue crab population in the Chesapeake Bay. The Senator is greatly concerned about the poor health of the Bay and discussed ways the federal government can help clean up the bay.