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  Health Care  

Sam speaks at a hearing committee regarding rural health care"I will follow that system of regimen which, according to my ability and judgment, I consider for the benefit of my patients , and abstain from whatever is deleterious and mischievous."
- From The Hippocratic Oath

Most Senators have not been to medical school. They are not physicians and can neither treat the ill, nor cure the sick, nor heal the wounded. However, the decisions the Senate makes in regard to health policy can affect the lives and health of every single American. This burden cannot be taken lightly. For this reason, public policy makers ought to hold ourselves to the same high ethical standard to which physicians hold themselves.

Health care policy has become one of the most contentious issues on the national agenda in recent years. There are sure to be more disagreements in the future. What is important as we debate these issues, however, is for each of us to recognize that what is most important in this debate is the benefit of the patients.

One of my primary responsibilities as a policymaker is to bring about meaningful reform of the U.S. health care system, with the goal of supporting the decision-making process and values of the individual consumer.

Under our current system, over 46 million Americans are uninsured, and those with insurance are paying for the costs of their care through rapidly rising insurance premiums. We must think outside of the box and look for ways to lessen the burden of debt on future generations, while at the same time ensuring Americans have both access and choice in health care coverage.

New Coverage Choices that Fit Each Family's Needs: Americans are not benefitting when state insurance mandates price them out of the market. We must address this issue. I support the creation of regulatory competition among states, resulting in lower health insurance costs for the uninsured. Americans should be able to purchase health insurance across state lines and chose from a more affordable range of plans - they would no longer be forced to pay for acupuncture or aromatherapy, if they do not suit their family's needs.

Lifetime Electronic Medical Records: 
I am the sponsor of a bill that would offer patients both ownership and control over their personal health information and ensure that personal health information is not used by third parties without the consent of the patient. This proposal would also offer patients debit-like cards containing their private and portable personal health information.

Association Health Plans: 
Another issue we must address is health care options for small businesses. Small businesses employ nearly two-thirds of the working uninsured population. We must allow small-business owners and others to form Association Health Plans (AHPs), which are similar to the large health care purchasing-pools that corporations and labor unions already use. 

Price Transparency and Health Savings Accounts (HSAs): One third of consumers purchasing Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) were previously uninsured. The uninsured benefit from HSAs because HSA-qualified health plans have affordable premiums and offer consumers the freedom to choose the health care provider that best supports their needs.

To empower consumers who use HSAs or are paying out-of-pocket for care, consumers should be able to shop around for the best deal by having access to a list of prices for common health care services. Last Congress, I sponsored health care price transparency legislation, which contained ideas recently implemented. We must continue to ensure that consumers have the tools to empower them to make choices in their health care.

Sam at a press conference speaking about cancer researchAs a co-chair of the Senate Cancer Coalition, I am continuing to work closely with Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to educate the Senate and public on issues surrounding the fight against cancer.  Read More

A nurse helping a patientMedicare is working with people and organizations in your community to help you understand the new prescription drug coverage options.  Read More

arrow The ACCESS Act - S.3046
arrow Statements on Introduced Bills and Joint Resolutions - May 21, 2008

The prevalence of overweight youth has increased about three-fold over the last 25 to 30 years. Currently, 14% of children ages 2 to 5; 19% of children ages 6-11, and about 17% of adolescents ages 12-19 are overweight.   Read More


The Latest News
Brownback Comments on FTC Report Studying Food Marketing Tactics  07/30/08

Brownback Introduces Access, Compassion, Care, and Ethics for Seriously Ill Patients Act  05/21/08

Brownback Visits Community Health Center of Southeast Kansas  03/18/08

Brownback, Harkin, Udall and Wamp Introduce Legislation to Push Physical Activity Guidelines  03/12/08

Brownback Applauds Committee Passage of Pre-Natally and Post-Natally Diagnosed Conditions Awareness Act  02/27/08

Brownback Applauds Senate Passage of Vitter Amendment to Indian Health Care Bill  02/26/08

Brownback Applauds Senate Reauthorization of Indian Health Care Improvement Act  02/26/08

Brownback Applauds Passage of Native American Apology Amendment to Indian Health Bill  02/15/08

Roberts, Brownback Introduce Legislation to Address Abandoned Mines in Kansas  12/13/07

Brownback Applauds Adoption of Neglected Diseases Amendment  09/21/07

More Health Care Press Releases
More Resources
Kansas Department of Health and Environment
Kansas Health Care Data Governing Board
Kansas Board of Healing Arts
Kansas State Board of Nursing
Kansas State Board of Pharmacy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institutes of Health


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