
Contact: Wayne Hoffman 208.336.9831

Sali: U.S. Government should stop outsourcing privacy, security of Americans
Introduces legislation to protect passport holders

April 11, 2008 

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Concerned that the privacy and security of Idahoans are at risk, Congressman Bill Sali this week introduced legislation to require that all key components U.S. passports be made in America.

“Our government should set the highest level of standards to protect the privacy and security of our fellow citizens,” Sali said.  “Currently, key components of American passports manufactured and assembled for United States citizens are sent outside our nation.  Especially troubling is the fact that the inlaying of the Radio Frequency Identification Device (RFID) antennae occurs in Thailand.  Additionally, there is evidence that suggests Chinese efforts to infiltrate Thai technology firms.  This is not acceptable.  We need to manufacture American passports in America – period.” 

Sali’s legislation, H.R. 5752, will require the Department of State and the Government Printing Office to manufacture and assemble key components of the American passport within the borders of the United States.  Sali was joined in introducing the legislation by former House Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter (R-CA).

“Allowing American passports to be manufactured and assembled overseas raises serious national security concerns,” continued the Congressman..  “Outsourcing work that has the potential to jeopardize the privacy and security of American citizens must be avoided. Border security and national security are important to the people I represent. Outsourcing the production of our passports runs counter to the Idahoan definition of common sense.”
Congressman Hunter concurred, saying, “It’s without question that our security interests will be better served by manufacturing our passports domestically.  It is critically important that we change this practice immediately.  Otherwise, a major vulnerability will continue to exist in the overall safety and security of the American people.”    

H.R. 5752 was introduced with 10 original cosponsors and has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.



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