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We'll help you find the hotel that perfectly fits your needs!
Welcome to Washington DC Accommodations, a Washington DC based hotel reservation service that pre-screens each hotel to assure that it matches your traveling style and your reasons for visiting the city! We personally visit each hotel and soak in the atmosphere and amenities to determine:

  • Is this hotel more appropriate for business or leisure travel?
  • What type of personality and traveler does it cater to?
  • What businesses and attractions is it near and how easy are they to reach?
  • Is it a good value?
  • Is it the kind of place we’d recommend to a friend?
In short, we do the same legwork you would do. And, if your plans change, there’s no fee for changes or cancellations. You simply won’t find a better hotel match for your next visit to the Washington DC area!

The True Cost of Travel
Washington D.C. Accommodations helps to take the stress out of travel for you – The True Cost of Travel.... Read more

What Customers Are Saying
Here's what our clients are saying about the free services provided by Washington DC Accommodations.... Read more

Says one reviewer of Jeff Bagato's new book Mondo DC: An Insider's Guide to Washington, DC's Most Unusual Tourist Attractions: "Don't tour Washington DC without this book firmly tucked under arm."

When it comes to personalized service and value-added benefits, the big sites can't compare!
Secure online reservations
Competitive rates
Easy to reach customer service 
Hotels pre-screened for comfort, convenience & safety 
Located in Washington DC 
washington dc gift shop
washington dc gift shop

We Make Vacations Better!
Circle Bistro
Notti Bianche