Press Release

CONTACT: Ryan Tronovitch
(202) 225-6356


“Today’s vote will benefit every Tennessean”

January 29, 2008

Washington, DC -- Congressman David Davis issued the following statement in response to the passing of the economic stimulus bill that was voted on today:

Today was a great day for the residents of Tennessee’s First District.  Just one day after the President called upon Congress to pass legislation that would help middle class families, I casted a vote on the House Floor in favor of every tax-paying American by voting for the bi-partisan Economic Stimulus package.

“Today’s vote will benefit every Tennessean.  The number of Tennessean’s who will benefit from the package is around 2.4 million while the estimates in tax savings for Tennessee residents is 2.2 billion dollars.

“This is a crucial short term step in vitalizing our uncertain economy.  A bill that I am an original co-sponsor of, the Economic Growth Act of 2008, covers the long term needs of our uncertain economy by cutting taxes and offering incentives to grow our economy.”

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