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Ganzi County Soundly Launches "Public Security Head" Pilot Project (Chinese and English Text)

The following is a translation prepared by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China. The Chinese text was retrieved from the Ganzi Prefecture Development Planning Committee Web site on March 4, 2008.

Ganzi County Soundly Launches "Public Security Head" Pilot Project

In order to further solidify the foundation for grassroots-level work to safeguard stability, Ganzi County will soon implement a "Public Security Head" pilot project at five grassroots-level police substations in rural villages. Local villagers are invited to assume the duties of public security head, performing "transmission," "notification," "reconciliation," and other functions so as to assist the local substations in safeguarding public order in their jurisdiction and promoting social harmony and stability in rural villages. The principal methods are:

First, rigorous selection of personnel. Public security heads should all be politically reliable and enjoy prestige among the people, and furthermore should be those who hold a concurrent post as village Party branch secretary and who possess a relatively strong sense of responsibility for their work and a relatively strong ability to coordinate groups.

Second, rigorous training. At each village-level activities office, a workspace will be established for public security heads and more than 2000 yuan will be invested for putting in place a related management system. Security cadres and police from the local police substation will come by to conduct one-on-one trainings for select public security heads. There will be instruction on related legal knowledge, and explanations of work responsibilities, the limits of their powers, and related work procedures, to enhance the ability of public security heads to carry out their functions.

Third, rigorous supervision. The limits of the job powers of public security heads will be made clear. Each local police substation will periodically evaluate the public security heads. Public security heads will be supervised and urged to develop their work according to the law and in a standardized way. In cases where a public security head has abused his or her authority, or gone so far as to use his or her power as a public security head to violate the law and commit a crime, adjustments will be made in a timely manner and corresponding responsibility will be pursued and investigated according to the law.

Fourth, strengthening the incentive mechanism. Public security heads may attend the local police substation's comprehensive governance work meeting as nonvoting delegates. At the end of the year, commendations will be given to outstanding public security heads. Public security heads who provide important information or clues to assist in solving a crime or in prevention work will receive an award for each instance. This is to effectively increase the enthusiasm of the public security head for his or her work.

Following the success of the pilot project, the "Public Security Head" system will be extended to the entire county, to become a major force in safeguarding village harmony and stability.



Source: -See Summary (2007-12-24 ) | Posted on: 2008-05-05 more ...
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