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JULY 2001
106th Congress Hearings (First Session - 1999)
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January 11, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - * AMENDED * - To begin hearings on the nomination of the Honorable Donald H. Rumsfeld to be Secretary of Defense. |
February 8, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Secretary's priorities and plans for Department of Energy national security programs.
February 13, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - * POSTPONED * - To receive testimony on current and future worldwide threats to the national security of the United States.
February 27, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nomination of Paul D. Wolfowitz to be the Deputy Secretary of Defense.
MARCH 2001
March 1, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - * POSTPONED * - To receive testimony on current and future worldwide threats to the national security of the United States.
March 28, 2001 - PERSONNEL SUBCOMMITTEE - * CANCELLED * - To receive testimony on Department of Defense policies
pertaining to the Armed Forces Retirement Home.
March 28, 2001 - STRATEGIC SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Report of the Commission to
Assess United States National Security Space Management
and Organization.
APRIL 2001
April 3, 2001 - STRATEGIC SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Report of the National Commission
for the Review of the National Reconnaissance Office and the Report of the Independent Commission on the National Imagery
and Mapping Agency. April 4, 2001 - SEAPOWER SUBCOMMITTEE - * AMENDED * - To receive testimony on shipbuilding industrial base issues and initiatives in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program.
To receive testimony on the recruiting initiatives of the
Department of Defense and the military services and to receive an update
the status of recruiting and retention goals. April 24, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider certain pending
military nominations. April 24, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the
nominations of Dr. Dov S. Zakheim to be Under Secretary of Defense,
Comptroller; Mr. Charles S. Abell to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Force Management Policy; and Ms. Victoria Clarke to be Assistant Secretary
of Defense for Public Affairs.
April 25, 2001 - STRATEGIC SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the
Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Request for the National Nuclear Security
Administration in review of the Defense Authorization Request for
Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program. April 26, 2001 -
FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of Edward C. Aldridge to
be Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, William
J. Haynes II to be General Counsel of the Department of Defense and Powell
A. Moore to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs. April 26, 2001 -
SEAPOWER SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on strategic airlift and sealift
imperatives for the 21st Century in review of the Defense Authorization
Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense
MAY 2001
May 1, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive
testimony on the report of the Panel to Review the V-22 Program. May 1, 2001 - EMERGING THREATS AND
CAPABILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE - * AMENDED * - To receive testimony on the U.S.
military's capabilities to respond to domestic terrorist attacks involving the use of weapons of mass destruction. May 3, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the lessons learned from the attack on USS COLE, on the report of the Crouch/Gehman Commission and on the attack, including a review of appropriate standards of accountability for U.S. military services.
May 10, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of: Dr. David S. C. Chu to be Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness; Mr. Thomas E. White to be Secretary of the Army; Mr. Gordon R. England to be Secretary of the Navy; Mr. James G. Roche to be Secretary of the Air Force; and
Mr. Alfred Rascon to be Director of Selective Service. May 15, 2001 - EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Department of Energy's Defense
Nuclear Nonproliferation Programs in review of the Defense
Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years
Defense Program. May 22, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of: Douglas Jay Feith to be Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Susan Morrisey Livingstone to be Under Secretary of the Navy; Jack Dyer Crouch, II, to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy; and Jessie Hill Roberson to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environmental Management May 24, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE * POSTPONED * - To consider the nominations of: Susan Morrisey Livingstone to be Under Secretary of the Navy; and Jessie Hill Roberson to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environmental Management
JUNE 2001
June 5, 2001- EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the "leap ahead" technologies and transformation initiatives within the defense science and technology program June 5, 2001- FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of Douglas Jay Feith to be Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Jack Dyer Crouch, II to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy; and Peter W. Rodman to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs June 7, 2001 - SEAPOWER SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on Navy and Marine Corps equipment for 21st Century operational requirements in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program June 7, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of: Susan Morrisey Livingstone to be Under Secretary of the Navy; Jessie Hill Roberson to be Assistant Secretary of Energy for Environmental Management; and Thomas P. Christie to be Director of Operational Test and Evaluation, Department of Defense June 20, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To meet with NATO Secretary General The Right Honorable Lord Robertson of Port Ellen to discuss Alliance matters June 21, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Defense Strategy Review June 22, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of : Alberto Jose Mora to be General Counsel of the Department of the Navy; Diane K. Morales to be Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Logistics and Materiel Readiness; Steven John Morello, Sr. to be General Counsel of the Department of the Army; William A. Navas, Jr. to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs; and Michael W. Wynne to be Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology June 26, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON STRATEGIC - To receive testimony on the Department of Energy's Fiscal Year 2002 budget request for the Office of Environmental Management, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program. June 27, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of: Dionel M. Aviles to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy
(Financial Management and Comptroller); Reginald Jude Brown to be Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower and Reserve Affairs); Steven A. Cambone to be Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy; Michael Montelongo to be Assistant Secretary for the Air Force (Financial Management and Comptroller); and John J. Young, Jr. to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) June 28, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Amendment, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program.
JULY 2001
July 10, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2002 Budget Amendment, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year
2002. July 10, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON AIRLAND - To receive testimony on the F-22 aircraft program, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program. July 11, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on the readiness of United States military forces and the FY 2002 budget amendment, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002. July 11, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE STRATEGIC- To receive testimony on the budget request for national security space programs, policies, operations and strategic systems and programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
Year 2002. July 11, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To meet with British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, The Right Honorable Jack Straw. July 12, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on ballistic missile defense policies and programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
Year 2002. July 12, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES- To receive testimony on Cooperative Threat Reduction, chemical weapons demilitarization, Defense Threat Reduction Agency,
nonproliferation research and engineering, and related programs,
in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year
2002. July 13, 2001 * POSTPONED * - SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on installation programs, military construction programs, and family housing programs, in review of
the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002. July 17, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To continue to receive testimony on ballistic missile defense policies and programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
Year 2002. July 18, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON PERSONNEL - To receive testimony on active and reserve military and civilian personnel programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002. July 19, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To continue to receive testimony on ballistic missile defense policies and programs in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal
Year 2002. July 19, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON AIRLAND - To receive testimony on Army modernization and transformation, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002. July 25, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON STRATEGIC - To receive testimony global power projection, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002. July 31, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON SEAPOWER - To receive testimony on Navy shipbuilding programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002. July 31, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations of John P. Stenbit to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communication and Intelligence; Ronald M. Sega to be Director of Defense Research and Engineering; and Michael L. Dominguez to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs; Michael Parker to be Assistant Secretary of the Army for Civil Works; Mario P. Fiori to be Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations and Environment; H.T. Johnson to be Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Environment; and Nelson F. Gibbs to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations and Environment
August 1, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nomination of General John P. Jumper, USAF for reappointment to the grade of general and to be Chief of Staff, United States Air Force. August 2, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on installation programs, military construction programs, and family housing programs, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002.
September 5, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - Schedule for Armed Services Subcommittee markups of the Department of Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. September 5-7, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - Schedule for Armed Services Subcommittee markups of the Department of Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002. September 13, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nomination of General Richard B. Myers, USAF for reappointment to the grade of general and for appointment as the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff. September 25, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nominations General Peter Pace, USMC, for reappointment in the grade of general and for appointment as the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; General John W. Handy, USAF, for reappointment in the grade of general and for appointment as Commander in Chief, United States Transportation Command and Commander, Air Mobility Command; and Admiral James O. Ellis, Jr., USN, for reappointment in the grade of admiral and for appointment as Commander inChief, United States Strategic Command.
October 4, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Department of Defense's Quadrennial Defense Review (QDR). October 11, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE -
To consider the nominations of: – Linton F. Brooks to be Deputy Administrator for Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation, National Nuclear Security Administration; Marvin R. Sambur to be Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition; William Winkenwerder, Jr. to be Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs;
Everet Beckner to be Deputy Administrator for Defense Programs, National Nuclear Security Administration; and
Mary L. Walker to be General Counsel of the Air Force. October 16, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON READINESS AND MANAGEMENT SUPPORT - To receive testimony on security of Department of Defense Ammunition Shipments. October 23, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE -
To consider the nominations of: – Joseph E. Schmitz to be Inspector General, Department of Defense; and Sandra L. Pack to be Assistant Secretary of the Army for Financial Management and Comptroller. October 25, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the role of the Department of Defense in homeland security. October 25, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES - To receive testimony on the Dark Winter scenario and bioterrorism.
November 8, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE -
To consider the nominations of: – R. L. Brownlee to be Under Secretary of the Army; Dale Klein to be Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense Programs; and Peter B. Teets to be Under Secretary of the Air Force November 15, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON EMERGING THREATS AND CAPABILITIES - To receive testimony on terrorist organizations and motivations.
December 4, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To consider the nomination of Claude M. Bolton, Jr. to be Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics, and Technology. December 12, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Department of Defense's implementation of the President's Military Order on detention, treatment, and trial by military commission of certain non-citizens in the war on terrorism December 13, 2001 - SUBCOMMITTEE ON STRATEGIC - To receive testimony on the security of U.S. nuclear weapons and nuclear weapons facilities.
March 6, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - * POSTPONED * - To receive testimony on current and future worldwide threats to the national security of the United States.
March 8, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - * AMENDED * - To receive testimony on current and future worldwide threats to the national security of the United States.
March 19, 2001 - STRATEGIC SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the Fiscal Year 2000 Report to
Congress of the Panel to Assess the Reliability, Safety, and Security of the United States Nuclear Stockpile.
March 20, 2001 - READINESS SUBCOMMITTEE - To receive testimony on the readiness impact of range encroachment issues, including: endangered species and critical habitats; sustainment of
the maritime environment; airspace management; urban sprawl; air pollution; unexploded ordinance; and noise.
March 21, 2001 - READINESS SUBCOMMITTEE - * AMENDED * - To receive testimony on installation readiness, in review of the
Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future
Years Defense Program.
March 22, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive testimony from the unified commanders on their military
strategy and operational requirements, in review of the Defense Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense Program.
March 27, 2001 - FULL COMMITTEE - To receive
testimony from the unified and regional commanders on their military
strategy and operational requirements, in review of the Defense
Authorization Request for Fiscal Year 2002 and the Future Years Defense
| Hearings
| Press Releases
| About the Committee |