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Senate Calendar of Business: Search Tips

Sample Searches | Identification Codes

Sample Searches (4)

The following sample searches are provided as guides to popular types of searches in the Senate Calendar of Business. Unless otherwise indicated, the searches are performed in the Senate Calendar of Business for the 108th Congress. For the sake of space, only the top three hits in each results list are included with each example below.

Note: The results of these sample searches are described as they appear on the Web interface. The display of the results may vary for users of the WAIS client and SWAIS software.

Subject | Bill Number | Popular Title | Bills in Conference

1. Search by Subject

This type of search returns documents that are related to a specific subject. The word(s) that you enter as your search term(s) may appear anywhere within the document.

Query: environment
Results: S.Cal. (March31) ENTIRE SENATE CALENDAR FOR March 31

2. Search by Bill Number

This type of search returns documents based on a given bill number. The bill number may be typed with or without punctuation. If no punctuation is used, you must leave a space between the s and the number for bills in the Senate.

Query: "s.151"
Results: S.Cal. (March31) BILLS IN CONFERENCE
  S.Cal. (March31) ENTIRE SENATE CALENDAR FOR March 31

3. Search by Popular Name

This type of search returns documents based on the popular title of a bill. In the Senate Calendar, popular titles are referred to as "brief titles" in "Bills in Conference" and as "short titles" in "Status of Appropriation Bills."

Query: "child abduction prevention act"
Results: S.Cal. (March31) BILLS IN CONFERENCE
  S.Cal. (March31) ENTIRE SENATE CALENDAR FOR March 31

Note: In the House Calendar, popular titles are referred to as "short titles," and they are listed in the "Index of Short Titles." The "Index of Short Titles" lists the popular title of an act along with its bill number(s); it appears in the issue for the first legislative day of each week that the House is in session.

4. Search by Bills In Conference

This type of search returns the "Bills in Conference" section of the Senate Calendar.

Query: "bills in conference"
Results: S.Cal. (March31) BILLS IN CONFERENCE

Identification Codes

In the list that displays your query results, the title of each Senate Calendar document is preceded by an identification code. All of the Senate Calendar identification codes include the database abbreviation "S.Cal." for Senate Calendar.

Database Identification Code
108th Congress
Daily Senate Calendar
106th Congress
Final Senate Calendar
S.Cal. (December15) GENERAL ORDERS
105th Congress
Final Senate Calendar
S.Cal. (October21) GENERAL ORDERS
104th Congress
Final Senate Calendar
104th Congress Final S.Cal GENERAL ORDERS

For example, in the listing "S.Cal. (March31) GENERAL ORDERS," "S.Cal." stands for Senate Calendar, "March 31" is the issue date, and "GENERAL ORDERS" is the section name, as well as the title of the document.