

Immigration is one of the most important and nationally significant issues facing Congress today.  With estimates that over 70 percent of our farm laborers lack proper work authorization and legal immigration status, it is vital that Congress consider and pass comprehensive immigration reform.  The three key issues that must be addressed in any immigration reform are: border security, guest worker provisions, and a determination of what to do with undocumented persons currently in the U.S. 


Border security should be first and foremost during any discussion on immigration policy; our borders must be secure and well managed.  Second, a streamlined and useable guest worker program is essential to our economy, food and labor force security.  For national security purposes, the United States must have a system to keep track of foreign nationals who are passing though our borders and working in our county.  Lastly, the undocumented workers currently in the U.S. are performing jobs that Americans’ are not willing to perform; it is unrealistic and irresponsible to consider deporting all undocumented workers back to their home country.  The effects would be devastating to our economic, food and labor security.  Illegal immigrants must be accounted for and brought out of the shadows, though not without penalties for breaking our laws and strict requirements for staying in the United States.

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Press Releases - Radanovich Issues Statement on Senate Immigration Bill 6.28.2007

Press Releases - Radanovich Endorses Comprehensive Immigration Reform 3.22.2007

Press Releases - Radanovich Issues Statement on State of the Union Address 1.23.2007

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