

As a parent, the education of our nation’s youth is always a primary concern of mine.  Our nation is rapidly falling behind the rest of the world in education for math, science and technologies.  America needs to be educating our youth to compete in today’s global market place.  Often our schools are not held responsible to meet the standards necessary for giving children an education they deserve. 


The No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2002 was the most sweeping change to federal education law ever enacted.  The bipartisan measure serves as the primary law for federal K-12 education and was intended to bring true accountability and flexibility to federal education programs.  Currently, NCLB is in the process of being reauthorized.  I am working with schools in my district, in conjunction with the Committee on Education and Labor to improve effectiveness of NCLB to provide a higher quality of K-12 education.


Access to an affordable college education is also necessary as more and more of the workplace begins to require a bachelors degree or higher.  We must also remember to maintain access to vital vocational education opportunities as students leave high school and enter the world of secondary education.

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Press Releases - Radanovich Floor Statement Supporting Passage of Congratulatory Fresno State Baseball Resolution 7.15.2008

Press Releases - Radanovich Congratulates Fresno State Baseball Team on National Championship Victory 6.26.2008

Press Releases - Radanovich Supports Troop Funding, GI Bill Reform 6.19.2008

Press Releases - Rep. Radanovich’s Statement following President Bush’s State of the Union Address 1.28.2008

Press Releases - Rep. Radanovich Announces "Academy Information Night" 10.22.2007

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