Water Resources

Water Resources

Water is the lifeblood of the San Joaquin Valley; it is also one of the most fought over and sought after resources in the west.  The effects of long term drought, lack of adequate storage, and judicial decisions that give more water to fish and less to people have culminated in the San Joaquin Valley to negatively impact communities and agriculture production.  The San Joaquin River Restoration Settlement and ensuring water certainty in the face of a dreadful judicial decision continues to be my highest priority.  Responding to the effects of reduced Delta deliveries, due to another judicial decision, will continue to play out as San Joaquin Valley and Southern California deal with reduced water supplies.

Related Documents:

Op-Eds and Columns - Environmental laws wedge state into hydrological corner 9.23.2008

Press Releases - Radanovich Introduces Bill to Temporarily Lift ESA Restrictions on Delta Pumps, Mitigate California Drought 9.18.2008

Press Releases - Radanovich Applauds Proposed Modifications to ESA Regulations 8.13.2008

Committee Statements - Rep. Radanovich Statement Before Subcommittee on Water and Power 7.21.2008

Press Releases - Radanovich Applauds Schwarzenegger’s Drought Declaration 6.4.2008

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Related Files:

CDAA Final

Summary of the San Joaquin River Settlement

Memorandum of Understanding

San Joaquin River Historical Timeline

San Joaquin River Reaches

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