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Issue Briefings
Resource Guides:
Federal Resources for Rural Communities
Grants and Federal Domestic Assistance
en español: Subvenciones y Ayuda Federal de Ámbito Nacional
Financial Aid for Students
Business Opportunities with the Federal Government

important to Idaho, the West, and the nation.

Senate Floor Agenda:

September 15, 2008 The Senate resumes consideration of S. 3001, the Department of Defense Authorization Bill

My speeches and Senate Floor statements:

Let's get this great country of ours back into the business of production so that the supply and demand of the marketplace stabalizes.   (Expanding Energy Production, delivered 6/19/2008)

My legislation

Review legislation I have introduced or sponsored and link to the bill's text and summaries from the Library of Congress for more information.

For further research

A great deal of information about the Senate and legislation is available online. To help you find what you need, or at least point you in the right direction, I have provided links to a variety of sites and resources.