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Chairman Towns Names Senior Oversight Staff
Washington, DC - Rep. Edolphus “Ed” Towns  (D-NY), incoming Chairman of the ...more

Ed Towns Is Elected Chairman for Government Oversight Committee
Washington, DC - This evening, the House Democratic Caucus formally elected Rep. ...more

Ed Towns Adds Support for Oversight Committee Chair, 36 CBC Members Endorse Towns
Washington, DC - Three dozen Congressional Black Caucus Members endorsed Rep. Edolphus ...more

REP. TOWNS TO ADDRESS BARRIERS TO HIV/AIDS CARE AT LOCAL NBLCA FORUM In observance of the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day
Brooklyn, NY – U.S. Rep. Edolphus “Ed” Towns (D-NY) will join representatives from ...more

***MEDIA ADVISORY*** FIVE-HUNDRED SENIORS TO BE FED AT THANKSGIVING DINNER Rep. Towns and Assemblyman Towns to host 23rd Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for seniors
BROOKLYN, New York –Five-hundred seniors are expected to be fed at the ...more

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