A Single Educational Investment; A Double Return


Pennsylvania Lawmaker Calls on Senate Colleagues to Vote in Favor of America's Workers


Rep. Fattah Lauds New Obama Economic Team, Promises Close Cooperation With Domestic Advisor Melody Barnes


Pennsylvania Lawmaker Says Saving Auto Industry Must be a Priority


Chairman of the Congressional Urban Caucus Supports Mayors in Pursuit of Bailout Funds





Congressman Chaka Fattah releases the following letter to the public after the Philadelphia Inquirer refused to make immediate corrections to errors and misinformation in its December 23, 2008 editorial.

Washington, DC - In attempt to correct numerous errors and misinformation written in a Philadelphia Inquirer editorial dated December 23, 2008 my office contacted the newspaper with the accurate facts. The response from the Inquirer was no immediate correction would be forthcoming. To ensure the public has factual information in a timely manner I am releasing a letter written today to the Editorial Page Editor at the Inquirer.

Read Full Letter to Editor (PDF)

Introduced by Congressman Fattah in the 110th: 

    H.R. 3317 – GEAR UP Enhancement Act  
    The bill amends the Higher Education Act of 1965 to improve and enhance the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). Read More on HR 3317   


    H.R. 2130 – Comprehensive Transform America Transaction Fee Act of 2007  
    The bill directs the Secretary of the Treasury to conduct an in-depth study on the implementation of a transaction fee in the United States to replace all existing federal taxes. The bill is currently before the House Committee on Ways and Means. Read More on HR 2130   


    H.R. 2373 – Student Bill of Rights  
    The legislation calls for the Secretary of Education to make annual determinations as to whether each state's public school system provides all its students with educational resources to succeed academically and in life. Currently, the legislation is being reviewed by the House Committee on Education and Labor.
Read More on HR 2373


    H. R. 2477 – State Child Well-Being Research Act of 2007  
    The legislation amends Part A (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) (TANF) of Title IV of the Social Security Act to require the Secretary of Health and Human Services to develop comprehensive indicators to assess child well-being in each state. The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Ways and Means.
Read More on HR 2477 from www.childindicators.com



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