Rep. Smith

Housing and Financial Support

Facing foreclosure? Find out if you qualify for the HOPE for Homeowners Program, information of avoiding foreclosure, and HUD approved counseling agencies, here.

The Washington State Department of Financial Institutions, which regulates and examines a variety of state chartered financial services, is also a valuable resource for individuals facing financial hardships.

Inauguration Tickets

Due to the excessive number of ticket requests, we are unable to process any further requests at this time. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you in advance for you cooperation.

Please be advised that most, if not all, inauguration tickets sold online are counterfeit and will not be accepted. Tickets have not yet been printed and will be distributed, free of charge, to members of Congress for their constituents the week before the ceremony. Please do not purchase or sell tickets online.

Digitial Television Transition

Are you ready for the transition to digital television? Click on the image below to find out more.

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Recent Photos

Photo of the Day

U.S. Rep. Adam Smith on a recent trip to visit U.S. Special Operations forces.

Visit the Photo Gallery.

Recent News

December 9, 2008
Rep. Smith Congratulates Local Fire Department on Federal Grant Grant will Improve Communications and Update Building Infrastructure -
  Washington State – Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09) congratulated Pierce County Fire Department District 17 on being awarded a $291,393 grant from ...(more)

December 1, 2008
Rep. Smith Statement on Attacks in Mumbai -
  Washington DC – Rep. Adam Smith released the following statement on the recent attacks in Mumbai, India: “The terrorist attacks that ...(more)

December 1, 2008
Smith Praises President-Elect’s National Security Team Appointments -
  Washington DC – Congressman Adam Smith (WA-09), Chairman of the House Armed Services Terrorism Subcommittee and Member of the Foreign Affairs ...(more)

Guide to Government

Smith's office has prepared a Guide to Government to help 9th District residents stay in touch with their regional government officials.

Download a PDF version of the Guide to Government.

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