John Culberson United States Congressman John Culberson 7th District of Texas
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Rep. John Culberson
Special Features

Tax and Spend

During the 110th Congress, I voted against $515 billion in new spending, and rejected $206 million in proposed earmarks. Under the Democrats' major tax and spend proposal, the average District Seven resident would see a $3300 tax increase.  Furthermore, unless Congress votes to stop them, the following tax increases will occur.

U.S. Financial Burden

My highest priority as your Congressman is ensuring our prosperity now and in the future by keeping the U. S. Treasury, and our children and grandchildren, from going deeper into debt.

On every vote and on every issue, I always remember our nation’s immense unfunded financial burden. Unfortunately, as you can see on pages 5 and 6 of this important GAO report, this $53 trillion unfunded obligation has grown by 158% since 2000. This structural debt is the principle reason I have voted against so many new spending initiatives and expanding government programs since I was sworn in as your Congressman in January 2001.


Last Week in Congress

Protecting Our Pocketbooks and Our Quality of Life
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In The News In The News

Congressman Culberson Denounces Attacks by Hamas
"I do not believe that the United States has a stronger ally in the Middle East than Israel. Israel gained the West Bank and other occupied territories in response to attacks on its borders, and had a right to defend itself under normal terms of war. I believe that criminals who use violence to achieve their ends deserve any type of similar reprisal. Finally, Palestinian leadership must show that they are serious about stopping terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israel so the Middle East peace process can move forward."


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