Congressman David Dreier
Representing California's 26th Congressional District
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INauguration 2009

Dreier To Remain Top Rules Committee Republican in 111th Congress
Congressman David Dreier will continue to be the Ranking Republican on the House Rules Committee in the 111th Congress.  Dreier said he hopes to focus on economic growth in the coming Congress.

Dreier Introduces Economic Recovery Through Responsible Home Ownership Act
Congressman David Dreier today introduced legislation aimed at incentivizing responsible home ownership and unclogging the glut of unsold homes currently serving as a drag on our economy.  The Economic Recovery Through Responsible Home Ownership Act, H.R. 7325, would provide temporary tax credits for home buyers who provide responsible down payments on the homes they purchase.

Dreier Demands Transparency, Immediate Oversight of TARP
Congressman David Dreier has joined with his colleagues in sending two separate letters concerning the lack of transparency in the operations of the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) and the need to hold immediate hearings on the future of the program to protect taxpayers.

Dreier To Chair CA GOP Congressional Delegation in 111th Congress
Congressman David Dreier was unanimously reelected by his colleagues today to continue serving as Chairman of the California Congressional Delegation in the 111th Congress.  Dreier said he will continue to advocate for California’s needs in Congress and looks forward to working with his Democratic colleagues as well.  He identified the economy as the top issue confronting the incoming Congress.

Dreier Honored For His Senior-Friendly Voting Record
Congressman David Dreier was recently honored by the non-partisan senior citizen group 60 Plus with the Guardian of Seniors’ Rights Award.  Dreier received the award based on his pro-senior voting record of protecting Social Security and eliminating the Death Tax.

Dreier Seeks Answers on AIG Retreat
Congressman David Dreier has joined a bipartisan group of lawmakers in seeking answers from the Treasury Secretary and Chairman of the Federal Reserve on the “retreat” held by AIG just after they received an $85 Billion infusion of taxpayer funds.  In a letter to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, Dreier and his colleagues request the taxpayers be refunded if any portion of the retreat was paid for with taxpayer dollars.

Dreier Announces Service Academy Application Deadline
Congressman David Dreier has announced the deadline for Service Academy applications for the 2009 school year. Young men and women interested in attending a United States Service Academy beginning in July 2009 have until Friday, November 14, 2008 to submit their applications for a nomination to Congressman Dreier’s San Dimas office.

Dreier Statement on Passage of the Economic Rescue Package
For the second time this week, Congress considered a plan to unclog our banking system and unfreeze our credit markets. I know that the anger about this action is deep and real. Responsible taxpayers who pay their mortgages on time and don’t spend beyond their means do not want to pay for the abuses and bad decisions of predatory lenders, Wall Street executives and irresponsible individuals. I agree completely. That is why I fought so hard for a bill that wouldn’t leave the taxpayers on the hook for restoring our credit markets.

Dreier Statement on Emergency Economic Stabilization Act
Yesterday, I reluctantly voted to approve the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. This is not a vote I wanted to make, but it is one I ultimately decided was necessary to keep our economic crisis from worsening. The stock market plunge of more than 777 points after the vote failed was a sign that the emergency is real. That doesn’t just hurt Wall Street, it hurts Main Street as well. Our retirements, college funds, small businesses, and homes are being threatened by this crisis. Just yesterday, I heard from a small business owner in the San Gabriel Valley who had lost his line of credit and was concerned about making payroll. That’s what’s at the heart of this crisis – small business owners and consumers facing a potential credit freeze across our economy.

Dreier Statement on House Select Committee’s Report on Illegal Immigration Vote
Congressman David Dreier, Ranking Republican of the House Rules Committee, issued the following statement today regarding the final report of the House Select Committee to Investigate the Voting Irregularities of August 2, 2007, which confirmed the vote taken that night remains incorrect:

Dreier Statement on Senator McCain’s Calls for Bipartisan Action on Economy
Congressman David Dreier, Ranking Republican of the House Rules Committee, issued the following statement today regarding Senator John McCain’s decision to return to Washington and help build bipartisan support for a rescue package for the economy:

Dreier Votes to Approve Key Defense, Veterans Bills
Congressman David Dreier, Ranking Republican of the House Rules Committee, voted today to approve two pieces of critical legislation supporting our troops and veterans.  The National Defense Authorization Act for 2009, H.R. 5658, was approved with broad bipartisan support, 392-39.  Dreier also voted to approve legislation containing funding for the Departments of Defense and Veterans Affairs, H.R. 2638, which passed 370-58.  

Dreier, Colleagues Sit Down for Transportation Summit on Gold Line Foothill Extension
Congressman David Dreier and his Southern California colleagues Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Pasadena, CA), Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-El Monte, CA), and Congresswoman Grace Napolitano (D-Norwalk, CA) recently sat down to discuss the importance of the proposed Metro Gold Line Foothill Extension to Montclair on television special entitled, Special Congressional Report: Transportation Issues in Southern California.   

Dreier Honored as “Friend of the American Motorist”
Congressman David Dreier was honored as a “Friend of the American Motorist” for his efforts to bring down the price of gas and increase the supply of American energy.  Americans for Prosperity (AFP), a grassroots free-market group, presented Congressman Dreier with the honor based on his voting record on tax and energy issues.

Dreier: We Need American-Made Energy Now
Congressman David Dreier took to the floor of the House today to call for a vote on a comprehensive energy plan that will bring down the price of gas, reduce our dependency on foreign oil and create jobs here at home.  Dreier was participating in the historic protest led by House Republicans calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to cut short the traditional August recess and bring the House back to work.

Dreier To Join Energy Protests on House Floor
Congressman David Dreier will return to the Capitol this Friday to join his fellow House Republicans in protesting the Democratic Majority’s refusal to allow real debate on a comprehensive energy policy.  House Republicans have been engaged in an historic protest on the floor of the House throughout the traditional August recess, engaging the American people about how to achieve real energy solutions and calling on Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi to bring the House back to work

Dreier Statement in Support of the Republic of Georgia
Congressman David Dreier issued the following statement today regarding President Bush’s actions in support of the democratic government of the Republic of Georgia:

Dreier Supports National Night Out Efforts
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, recently voiced his support for National Night Out efforts, a program designed to focus attention on neighborhood crime prevention and community policing.  H.Res. 1324, a resolution calling on the President to focus attention on these efforts and coordinate certain Federal efforts to participate in National Night Out events, was approved by the House with unanimous support.

Dreier, Bilbray Talk Energy Alternatives
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, recently sat down with fellow Congressman Brian Bilbray to discuss the need for energy alternatives and immigration enforcement for an edition of “David Dreier Reports.”

Dreier Votes for Veterans Funding
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, voted today for legislation funding the Veterans Administration (VA) and military construction efforts.  H.R. 6599, the Military Construction and Veterans Administration Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2009, was approved with broad bipartisan support, 409-4.

Dreier Votes To Extend E-Verify Program
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, voted last night to approve H.R. 6633, the Employee Verification Amendment Act of 2008, which extends the e-verify employment verification system administered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).  The bill passed with broad bipartisan support, 407-2.

Dreier: Action on Energy Should Occur Before Adjournment
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, voted against an adjournment resolution approved by the Democratic Majority today because he believes Congress must take immediate action to lower the price of gas for working families.  With today’s vote, the House Democratic Leadership voted to take a summer vacation without having done anything to solve the problem of high energy costs.

Dreier Statement on Chino Hills Earthquake
Congressman David Dreier issued the following statement today regarding the Chino Hills earthquake:

Dreier: Dems Duck and Cover on Entitlement Crisis
Congressman David Dreier, Rules Committee Ranking Republican, issued the following statement today regarding the Democratic Majority’s planned vote to cancel any legislative action on the looming entitlement crisis:


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Border Tunnel Prevention Act

In the press
Help for Main Street
December 16- Daily Breeze
Pave the way with practical solutions
December 13- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Editorial: Villaraigosa fails SoCal on transportation measure
August 30- Pasadena Star News/ San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Glendora firm producing eco-friendly wind tower
August 7- San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Letter asking President Bush to commute the case of agents Ramos and Compean
July 31 Letter
Letter asking President Bush to review the Ramos and Compean case
July 29 Letter
Rejecting federal funds not smart
June 29- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Treaty good for state's workers
April 19 - Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Senate should OK projects to recycle water
March 7- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Open the Door to Justice
January 10- San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Recycling Bill Would Boost Water Supply
January 10- Inland Valley Daily Bulletin
Dreier Keeping Busy
January 6- San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Tougher Security Must Include Anti-tunnel Bill
September 20- The San Diego Union-Tribune
Dreier Puts Forth Worthy Package of Ethics Reforms
September 19 - Important Step In Putting End to 'Earmark' Abuse
RADIO/T.V. Interviews
David Dreier Reports w/ Rep. Brian Bilbray
July 24, 2008
Dial-Up / Broadband
Congressman Dreier discusses transportation in Southern California
July 23, 2008
Dial-Up / Broadband
Congressman Dreier's special order speech in celebration of Independence Day .
July 10, 2008
Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition discussing his recent trip to Israel.
June 27, 2008
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Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition discussing the importance of energy exploration
June 27, 2008
Dial-Up / Broadband
Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition discussing the importance of caring for veterans
May 30, 2008
Dial-Up / Broadband
Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition discussing energy prices
May 30, 2008
Dial-Up / Broadband
Bipartisan News Conference On Israels 60th Anniversary
May 20, 2008
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Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition discussing trade
April 25, 2008
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Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition discussing energy solutions
April 25, 2008
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Congressman Dreier's remarks on gas prices
April 23, 2008
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Congressman Dreier's Special Order Speech on U.S. - Colombia FTA
April 15, 2008
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Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition
March 28, 2008
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David Dreier Reports w/ Paul Biane
March 4, 2008
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Congressman Dreier on Time Warner Local Edition
February 29, 2008
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Congressman Dreier Discusses Pakistan on KNBC
December 30 - KNBC - "News Conference"

Dreier on the President's Veto of the Iraq Supplemental Appropriations Bill
May 1 - MSNBC - "Hardball"
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Dreier on Politics
January 2- FOX - "Special Report with Brit Hume"
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Dreier on President Gerald Ford
January 2- FOX - "Fox & Friends"
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Dreier on President Gerald Ford
December 27- CNBC - "Kudlow & Company"
Dreier on the Need for a Secure Social Security Card
May 4- CNN - "Lou Dobbs"
Dial-Up / Broadband
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