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69 percent of Americans support lowering energy prices for U.S. consumers by using U.S. domestic energy sources, such as clean coal and oil, even if it means drilling off our coasts and in Alaska, as well as offering tax credits for American businesses that develop new energy solutions. Source: American Solutions nationwide survey of 1,000 adults      The International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook estimates the world's primary energy needs will grow by 55% by 2030, with fossil fuels remaining a significant source of global energy supply. Source: Department of Energy      The Strategic Petroleum Reserve has the capacity to hold 727 million barrels of oil. Source: Department of Energy      The United States consumed over 15 million barrels per day of petroleum products in 2004, and consumption is expected to increase to nearly 26.1 million barrels per day by 2025. Source: Department of Energy      Renewable energy sources—water (hydroelectric), geothermal, wind, sun (solar), and biomass— only met about 7% of America’s total energy needs in 2006. Source: Energy Information Administration      U.S. wind energy installations produce enough electricity on a typical day to power the equivalent of more than 2.5 million homes. Source: Department of Energy      73% of all exploratory and development wells in 2007 were for natural gas. Source: Energy Information Administration. 73% of all exploratory and development wells in 2007 were for natural gas.   Source: Energy Information Administration      The mean estimate of technically recoverable oil in ANWR is 10.4 billion barrels – all of which is now economically recoverable. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration      In 2005, nearly 52 percent of all households (residential sector) used natural gas as their primary heating fuel, accounting for about 22 percent of total natural gas consumed in the United States. Source: Energy Information Agency      Of the more than 7 billion barrels of oil pumped offshore in the past 25 years, 0.001 percent – that is one-thousandth of 1 percent – has been spilled. Source: The Washington Post, 6/5/08      The US Geological Survey estimates the total identified coal resources in the United States as being 1,600 billion tons. Currently, the US produces approximately 1.06 billion tons of coal annually. Source: US Geological Survey      The Bureau of Land Management administers the 700 million acres of federally owned sub-surface mineral estate, only 6% of which has been leased for oil and gas exploration and development. Source: The Bureau of Land Management      Drilling of oil and natural gas exploratory wells increased by 98% from 2000 to 2007. Source: Energy Information Agency      Coal is America's largest domestic energy resource -- enough to last 250 years at current rate of use. Source: Department of Energy      According to a Dittman Research Poll, more than 75% of Alaskans support exploration and production on the Arctic Coastal Plain. Source: Dittman Research      United States expanded its dependence on foreign members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) by a full seven percent in 2007 alone. Source: Energy Information Administration      In 2007, the United States consumed over 142 billion gallons of gasoline. Source: Energy Information Agency      Wind-generated electricity increased by 45% between 2005 and 2006 and by 21% between 2006 and 2007, more than any other renewable source of generation in both years. Source: Energy Information Agency      85 percent of the Lower 48 Outer Continental Shelf energy resources remain under the lock and key of the federal government. Source: U.S. Minerals Management Service      One million barrels of oil produce 27 million gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel. Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration      The 103 U.S. nuclear units supply about 20 percent of the electricity produced in the United States – second only to coal as a fuel source. Source: Department of Energy      United States expanded its dependence on foreign members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) by a full seven percent in 2007 alone. Source: Energy Information Administration      Only 3% of the United States' 1.76 billion acre outer continental shelf is leased for oil and gas exploration and development. Souce: Minerals Management Service        
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Press Releases
December 11, 2008: Smith Voices Opposition to Auto Bailout Legislation

WASHINGTON, DC-Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) today voted against legislation to provide $15 billion in government loans to three automobile companies - General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler.

November 26, 2008: Red Cross to Deliver Holiday Cards to Troops, Veterans
WASHINGTON, DC-Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE) today announced the American Red Cross will deliver holiday cards to American military personnel, veterans, and their families across the country and around the world.
November 19, 2008: Smith Announces Presidential Inauguration Ticket Request Guidelines

WASHINGTON, DC- Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) today released procedures for Third District residents requesting tickets to the presidential inauguration on January 20, 2009: 


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