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'There Are Solutions'

   Date: 12/30/2008

The new Congress will reconvene on January 6, 2009.  President-elect Barack Obama will be sworn in on January 20.  “In my view, the next few months will be a pivotal moment in the history of the United States and for much of the world," said Sen. Bernie Sanders at a news conference Tuesday in Burlington.  "How do we finally ensure the U.S. government begins representing the needs of ordinary Americans, and not just the greedy, the wealthy and the powerful?" he asked.  Sanders called for a major economic recovery program which invests at least $400 billion in each of the next two years to create millions of good-paying jobs; an investigation as to how the greed and recklessness of Wall Street financiers caused the greatest financial collapse since the 1920s; and, legislation to provide health care to every man, woman and child as a right of citizenship.

To read Sanders entire statement, click here.


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