Daily Schedule

At 10:51 p.m. on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 the House of Representatives adjourned pursuant to the provisions of H. Con. Res. 440. The House will reconvene at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 3, 2009 and is expected to subsequently adjourn sine die for the 110th Congress.  No legislative business is expected in the House on Saturday.

Amendments - H.R. 7321 Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act

LaTourette (OH): Requires that any lending assistance provided under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) or the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) to an insured depository institution shall report the amount of any increase or decrease in new lending attributed to the TARP or EISA assistance. If the institution cannot provide an accurate report, the institution shall report the total amounts of increase or decrease in overall new lending in its quarterly reports. 
  Y    403 N    0 P    1

Vote Series III

LaTourette (OH): Requires that any lending assistance provided under the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) or the Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA) to an insured depository institution shall report the amount of any increase or decrease in new lending attributed to the TARP or EISA assistance. If the institution cannot provide an accurate report, the institution shall report the total amounts of increase or decrease in overall new lending in its quarterly reports. 

403 N 0 P 1

H.R. 7321
Auto Industry Financing and Restructuring Act

237 170 P 1

These are the last votes today


Rest of Week:  Uncertain - depends on Senate action/inaction on Auto Bailout

Weekly Schedule

At 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 6, the House will hold a quorum call vote in order to begin the 111th Congress.  We will then elect the Speaker of the House, swear-in all Members of Congress, and consider the Democrat Opening Day Rules package that will govern our proceedings for the new Congress.


On Thursday, January 8, the House will convene at 1:00 p.m. for a Joint Meeting with the Senate to count the electoral ballots for the new President of the United States.


In the days between the swearing-in of Members and the Presidential Inauguration, Speaker Pelosi has announced her intentions to consider legislation dealing with pay equity, legislative reforms, and the Economic Recovery Plan.


More information will be relayed as soon as it becomes available.
Distributed by the Office of the Republican Leader