Dodd Statement on Meeting with the Indian Foreign Secretary
December 2, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Chairman of its Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, Peace Corps, and Narcotics Affairs, released the following statement today after meeting with the Indian Foreign Secretary, Shivshankar Menon.


“I expressed my shock and sadness about the barbaric attacks in Mumbai to the Indian Foreign Secretary, Shivshankar Menon, and extended my sincere condolences to the people of India and to all those who have lost loved ones.  This tragic attack is a reminder that terrorism does not distinguish race, religion or national origin.  I call upon all nations in the region to work together to root out and dismantle the terrorist networks that continue to cause violence and heartache throughout South Asia, and I reaffirmed to the Foreign Secretary the United States’s commitment to those efforts.”

