Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech

For Immediate Release

Statement of Senator Christopher J. Dodd
Veterans Day: November 11, 2003

November 11, 2003

Today, Americans across our great nation will pay tribute to the brave men and women who have made it possible for us to live in peace, freedom, and security. Each November, Veterans Day is an occasion for us to take time to remember all those who have served in our nation’s armed forces. I join all of America in thanking them for their selfless dedication and their sacrifices on behalf of our nation, and I offer my special thanks to the nearly 300,000 veterans from the State of Connecticut.

This year, Veterans Day takes on a special meaning. Not only are we honoring soldiers who served in past wars; but our thoughts are with every single one of the men and women who are defending our freedoms today. Whether they are in Iraq, Afghanistan, or elsewhere around the world, these brave Americans deserve our gratitude, and their families deserve our support, during these difficult times as we all pray for their safe return.