Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech
For Immediate Release

Statement of Senator Dodd on Senate Tax Bill

May 16, 2003

Two years ago the President wrote a prescription for our economy in the form of a massive tax cut for the most affluent. We've seen the horrendous results: a sea of debt, layoffs and cuts in education and health care. Now the President is pushing more of the same, and I fear the consequences.

Our nation is drowning in debt, and instead of responsibly addressing the root of the problem by throwing working families a life preserver, the President instead added more water. That's wrong and a tremendous disservice to families all across this country who each day pay their bills and live within their means. It goes without saying that I could not in good conscience support a measure that primarily benefits the wealthy at the expense of working families, and worst of all, saddles the next generation with debt, which in essence is a tax on their future. All while doing little if anything to spur economic growth and jobs.

The Democratic plan was a much more balanced and equitable approach. It would have provided targeted tax relief to those who need it most, without digging us further in debt. Among other things, it would provide child tax credits to families, help small businesses provide health coverage for their employees, and encourage business investment. The President would have better served the American public by passing that plan.