Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech
For Immediate Release

Reaction to President George W. Bush's
Address to the Joint Session of Congress
Statement of Senator Chris Dodd

September 20, 2001

"I commend the President and - like all Americans - stand shoulder to shoulder with him in this time of national need and unity. Our country continues to mourn the devastating loss of life from last week's heinous and treacherous attack, and our hearts and prayers continue to be with the families of the victims at this terribly difficult time. Make no mistake about it - a wound was inflicted upon America last week. But terrorists should understand, and understand well, that wounds heal and that we will be stronger and totally united in our efforts to punish those who perpetrated this dastardly and cowardly attack. That is evident in every shovel that's been lifted by a volunteer, every American that has given blood, our military personnel, and all the firefighters and police officers who have answered the call in this time of need.

"The President rightly laid out the difficult road that lies ahead, and what we need to do both militarily and economically to deal with this crisis. Our nation speaks with one voice, and while there will be time to discuss the specifics of what has been outlined tonight, this is a time for national unity. Obviously as we look at specific ways to protect our borders, lessen the danger of future attacks, and move to assist our economy, we'll need to do so in a thoughtful and careful fashion. I am confident that will be the case."