Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech
For Immediate Release


July 20, 1999

Mr. President, once again this year, the Small Business Administration held its annual Small Business Week. The SBA hosts this event to recognize the many accomplishments of this country's small businessmen-women. Today, I am pleased to pay a special tribute to the achievements of Max Solis, Chairman and CEO of BST Systems, Inc., who was named Connecticut's 1999 Small Business Person of the Year.

Having received a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from the City College of New York and a Masters of Business Administration from New York University, Max Solis went on to found BST Systems, Inc. in 1983. BST Systems, Inc., located in Plainfield, Connecticut, is a small minority-owned business that employs approximately 68 people. BST focuses on engineering-oriented, high-technology business and specializes in manufacturing and testing high-energy silver zinc cells, specialty cells and complete batteries, as well as electronic support equipment for NASA, the Department of Defense, and various commercial applications.

In addition to this most recent honor, BST Systems also received NASA's 1994 Minority Subcontractor of the Year Award and NASA's Commitment to Excellence Award in both 1995 and 1997. Just this past May, BST Systems was the recipient of the George M. Low Award, NASA's highest honor for excellence and quality and recognition of its significant contributions to the advancement of our nation's space program.

Mr. President, I am so very pleased to have the opportunity to highlight the success of Max Solis and BST Systems, Inc. Small business entrepreneurs like Max Solis and his employees keep this country on the cutting edge of innovation and advanced technology. And as we enter a new century, small businesses like BST will be integral to ensuring continued American leadership in these critical areas. I congratulate Max Solis and BST Systems, Inc. on being honored by the Small Business Administration for their outstanding efforts, and I wish them much success as they, and other small businesses, continue to provide valuable products and services to people across the country and, indeed, throughout the world.