Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech
For Immediate Release


July 15, 1999

Today we celebrate a victory for the entrepreneurial spirit that drives our country. Thanks to a bipartisan effort, we were able to pass legislation which encourages people to fix their Y2K problems, rather than fight them in court.

Our country has enjoyed unprecedented economic growth in the past decade, growth in large part due to the technology revolution. But if we want to keep reaping the benefits of this revolution, we have to sow the seeds-- the resources-- we dedicate to that growth. The Y2K Act means resources can be dedicated towards fixing Y2K problems and fostering innovation, not diverted towards fighting frivolous lawsuits.

As we get ready to e-mail a bill to the President for the first time, an event in keeping with the unprecedented nature of the Y2K problem, we move one step closer to seeing in the millennium with a celebration rather than a subpoena.