Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech
For Immediate Release

Statement of Senator Chris Dodd

February 3, 1999

Mr. President, I rise today to congratulate the Cromwell High School Boys' Varsity Soccer team for winning the 1998 Connecticut State Soccer Championship. This achievement reflects the proud soccer tradition that has been established at Cromwell High School and the outstanding caliber of its student athletes.

With a first-rate team and a phenomenal level of play, the Cromwell Panthers concluded their season with an impressive record of 20-1. The Panthers became known throughout Connecticut for their strong defensive play and balanced team of players. In soccer, as in so many sports, a blend of smart players and smart decisions results in victories. The Cromwell Panthers proved they have this combination. The strength of this team was demonstrated by their ability to hold their opponents to a total of only 6 goals for the entire season.

The state championship game was played with emotion against an equally talented opponent, the Old Saybrook Rams. Although the Panthers were favored to win, neither the team's coaches nor its athletes took victory for granted. After receiving two yellow cards in the first half and being outshot by their opponents for most of the game, the Panthers entered the second half with a refocused energy. The Panthers' first goal came late when Justin Linehan received a pass from Steve Dworak and sent the ball soaring just out of reach of the Rams' goalie. Steve repeated his superb passing performance when he sent a left cross pass to Mike Flanagan who headed the ball past a diving goalie with only two minutes left in the game. This final goal was a turning point in the game, bringing it to a 2-0 score in the Panther's favor and helping to guarantee their win.

This championship game also took on a more personal meaning for its players and, most especially, its head coach. Sadly, Coach Mike Pitruzzello's father, Manny, passed away a week before the start of the season. In his honor, Coach Pitruzzello dedicated the Panthers' second championship win to his late father. Even during a time of personal hardship, Coach Pitruzzello continued to guide and nurture his team to a near-perfect regular season and a championship win. Nothing better reflects his love for the sport and his players than the dedication Coach Pitruzzello has shown throughout this season. I am sure his father would have not only been proud of his son, but also honored by the sportsmanship exhibited by these talented young men on the field.

Winning a state championship is an exciting and gratifying moment for any young student athlete. In their win over the Old Saybrook Rams, the Cromwell Panthers demonstrated a talent they had perfected throughout their regular season with hard work and the guidance of an experienced and caring coaching staff. Furthermore, as with any team sport, it is not just one player who makes the amazing pass or singlehandedly scores the critical goal, but rather a cooperative effort from each player who offers his own special talent which ultimately adds to the success of the entire team. The Cromwell High School Boys' Varsity Soccer team exemplifies the true spirit of teamwork and tenacity, and it is because of those qualities that they are now the state champions.

At this time I would like to recognize all the members and coaches of the Boys' Varsity Soccer team and, again, congratulate them all on their momentous and well-deserved victory:

Head Coach Mike Pitruzzello, Assistant Coach Bruce Swanson, Freshman Coach John Harder, Paul Dworak, Steve Dworak, Tony Faienza, Mike Fazio, Mike Flanagan, Bryce Gibson, Eric Harrison, Nick Libera, Steve Libera, Justin Linehan, Shawn Maher, Jason Negrini, Mike Simeone, Ryan Steele, Ron Szymanski, Colin Whalen, and Sean Whalen.