Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech

RETIREMENT OF SENATOR SAM NUNN (Senate - October 23, 1995)

Mr. DODD. Mr. President, I want to take a few moments to reflect upon the recent announcement of our esteemed colleague from Georgia that he will not seek reelection at the conclusion of his current term. I must of course, accept his decision, but I am also personally saddened by it.

Sam Nunn has given much to this body, and given even more to the people of Georgia. Early in his career, Sam Nunn quietly impressed his colleagues with his thoughtful and well-reasoned speeches on the future of our national defense. And as the former chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, he helped shape that future with strong leadership and keen intellect.

Sam Nunn let one of this body's most important committees during a time of enormous, it not tumultuous, global change. His foresight about events in the Russian Republic led this body to create one of the world's most important mechanisms for ensuring the peaceful disposal of former Soviet weapons. To this day, the Nunn-Lugar initiative on security assistance leaves a legacy of peace in the post-cold-war era--a peace that stands as a fitting tribute to the efforts of its author.

But Sam Nunn's commitment to peace has been matched, if not surpassed, by his commitment to a strong defense. For nearly a decade, Sam Nunn has helped crystallize the standards by which we examine our national defense. It was Sam Nunn who pushed for the American research initiatives that have resulted in today's stealth technologies. Likewise, it was Sam Nunn who ensured those technologies were available to those serving in our Armed Forces, giving them the edge they needed to defend our country.

Finally, it should be noted that Sam Nunn always put first the needs and the safety of America's service personnel. Over the past 23 years, Sam Nunn has consistently fought for our service members and their families. Whether it was funds for better housing, or expanded opportunities for better medical care, Sam Nunn has always been there guarding the interests of our dedicated troops. The dozens upon dozens of tokens of appreciation that adorn his office wall are proof of Sam Nunn's commitment to people.

Sam Nunn is a gentleman and a scholar. He has graced these halls for more than two decades with his quick wit, commitment to public service, and personal passion for the affairs of our Nation. I wish my friend well, and I shall miss his service in this body.