Senator Chris Dodd: Archived Speech

ON THE LIFE OF MARIYAMA DOROTHY COLE (Senate - January 23, 1995)

Mr. DODD. Mr. President, it is my great pleasure to take this opportunity to remark on the life of Mariyama Dorothy Cole, who passed away this month.

Mariyama, a resident of Windsor, was an inspiration and joy to her family and friends. She was Marie to all who knew her. Marie was a girl of unique and distinctive beauty, but it was her inner strength and serenity that were most remarkable.

To understand what made Marie a person so deserving of recognition one must know the awesome changes Marie helped inspire and the incredible perserverance she demonstrated on a daily basis.

Today, because of Marie, children in the State of Connecticut who have complex health care needs of disabilities are better able to live at home with their families. Mariyama and her family challenged existing policies that were contrary to family unification. She was instrumental in the passage of several pieces of legislation that will foster better services for families and children. She was the first child with special needs to attend totally inclusive classes in her hometown high school.

Throughout her 18 years of life, Marie gave more love and educated more people than most individuals do in two lifetimes. Mariyama's determination was mighty; her courage and fortitude fierce; her presence impossible to ignore. She asked for nothing and yet taught her family and friends how to give and share with others the love that overflowed from her.

Marie has left an indelible mark on my State. Thousands of children have already benefitted from Marie's life, and many more will benefit from her legacy.