
11/03/08: Dodd and Courtney Express Concern Over Reports that Pfizer Will Cut Jobs in Connecticut

October 3, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Congressman Joe Courtney (CT-2) sent the following letter today to Jeffrey B. Kindler, CEO of Pfizer Inc, expressing their concern over recent reports that suggest the company has been training foreign contractors to replace local workers at their facilities in New London and Groton.


10/30/08: Banking Committee Members Urge President Bush to Address Foreclosure Crisis

October 30, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, along with several other members of the Committee, today sent a letter to President Bush urging the Administration to address the root cause of our nation’s economic problems – the foreclosure crisis.  The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act gives the Administration considerable new authority to prevent foreclosures.  While recent news reports have indicated that the Administration plans to use this authority – which was granted nearly four weeks ago – the Treasury Department has yet to announce any efforts dedicated to helping people keep their homes.

10/29/08: Statement of Chairman Dodd on Federal Reserve Rate Cut

October 29, 2008

“Today's interest rate cut is a welcome step to the extent that it facilitates the unlocking of our credit markets so that businesses can continue to operate and American families are able to afford homes, cars and to send their children to college.  Recent rate cuts, including today's, also underscore Chairman Bernanke's foresight in rejecting calls by other Federal Reserve Governors to raise interest rates several months ago.

10/22/08: Dodd to Hold Hearing on Regulatory Responses to Economic Crisis

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Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, announced that the Committee will hold a hearing on Thursday entitled “Turmoil in the U.S. Credit Markets: Examining Recent Regulatory Responses.” Tomorrow’s hearing will focus on the federal regulators’ role in the economic crisis and solutions to restore stability and soundness to our financial markets.

10/21/08: Dodd Speaks to Students at Cheshire High School

October 21, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) will visit Cheshire High School tomorrow morning to speak to Juniors and Seniors.  Dodd will discuss the current financial crisis and other issues with students.

10/20/08: Dodd Announces Major Investment in Norden Systems

October 20, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd visited Norden Systems in Norwalk on Monday to announce new funding that will allow this defense contractor to continue building critical radar equipment for the U.S. Military. Dodd made the announcement in a meeting with company employees and also toured the plant.


10/17/08: Dodd Tours Park Street with Hispanic Community Leaders

October 17, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd met with local Hispanic business owners and community leaders today.  Dodd visited businesses and non-profit organizations along Park Street and discussed how current economic conditions are affecting the Hispanic community in Hartford.

10/17/08: Dodd Discusses the State of the Economy in Norwich

October 17, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd, the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, spoke to the Chamber of Commerce of Eastern Connecticut this morning about the current state of the economy, the Hope for Homeowners program and his efforts to address the financial crisis in Washington, D.C.

10/16/08: Turmoil in the U.S. Credit Markets: The Genesis of the Current Economic Crisis

October 16, 2008

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT), Chairman of the Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee, held a hearing on today entitled “Turmoil in the U.S. Credit Markets: The Genesis of the Current Economic Crisis.”  The hearing focused on what led to our country’s economic crisis, and solutions to restore stability and soundness to our financial markets and the American economy.

10/16/08: Stimulus Legislation Needs Four Essential Components

Submitted by Chris Dodd on October 16, 2008 - 1:02pm.

On Tuesday, after meeting with Secretary Paulson, I indicated that I was supportive of the Administration’s plan to use the authority granted by the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act. In developing the financial rescue package, we in Congress recognized the need to attack this crisis on multiple fronts. I am encouraged that the Administration has chosen to do just that, and am hopeful that these efforts will help unfreeze our markets.

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