Illinois' 4th Congressional District FY2010 Federal Appropriation

Request Survey




1. Member Name: 


Congressman Luis V. Gutierrez (IL-04)


2. Member staff contact and phone number:


Natalie M. Angelo

2266 Rayburn HOB

Washington D.C. 20515

(202) 225-8203

(202) 226-1717 Fax



3. Department/Agency: 




4. Account/Program: 




5. Amount request for fiscal year 2010: 




6. Grantee:

    Street Address:





    Phone Number:


    Grantee Point of Contact:

    Phone Number:

    Email Address:



7. Matching Funding (Including source and amount): 


Public Support




Private Support





8. Location where funding is proposed to be spent (city and state): 






9. Was the project requested in the past? If so, what year?




10. Has the project been funded in any other subcommittee? Other than the committee in which you are applying to?




11. If yes, please specify the fiscal year and agency/account; if no, please specify N/A: 




12. Description of request, including a brief budget breakdown, describing the specific purposes for which funding will be spent: 


Description of Request:









       Program Budget:

       Bill/report language (exactly as you would like it to appear in the bill or report): 






13. Is this a new project? If the project is not new please provide report language, as it appears in most recent House or Conference Reports and the year it appeared:






14. Has this project been funded in the past? If so, what year and what was the amount of funding granted and received?





15.  Additional Members of Congress expected to submit requests for this project:








Submission Deadline: Friday February 20th, 2009