Hearings - Testimony
Full committee. Nominations pending before the committee
Tuesday, April 1, 2003
Richard Narcia

Chairman Inhofe. I am forwarding this statement in support of my nomination to the Morris K. Udall Foundation Board of Trustees. I consider it a tremendous honor to be nominated by President Bush to become a member of such a prominent board. The mission and role of the Udall Foundation is essential in developing strong public policy in the area of the environment and federal Indian policy and is essential to our national well being.


My name is Richard P. Narcia. I am a member of the Gila River Indian Community (the Community) and currently serve as Governor of the Community. In this capacity I deal with, on a daily basis, many of the same complex issues that the Foundation was created to study and provide solutions to. I am very anxious and excited to have a part in developing comprehensive and cohesive policies that impact the environment and federal Indian policy. As a Native American, and tribal leader, the sustainability of our environment within the context of all other competing demands is not only a duty, but also, a necessary task we all strive to achieve.


One important aspect of the Foundation is to provide opportunities to qualified Native American students to participate in diverse and educational experiences. As a member of the Board I look forward to enhancing these opportunities for students who interested in further studies and professions in the fields of the environment and federal Indian policy.


Mr. Chairman, as per your request, in a letter dated March 17, 2003, two questions were included to be answered:


1. Are you willing to appear at the request of any duly constituted committee of the Congress as a witness?


I am and will make myself available to any committee as requested.


2. Do you know of any matter which you may or may not have thus far disclosed which might place you in any conflict of interest if you are confirmed in this position?”


At this time, I am not aware of any matter that would place myself in a circumstance of a conflict of interest. However, in the future, if a potential conflict does arise, I will recuse myself from the relevant decision-making process of the Board.


Thank you for your considering of my nomination. If referred by this Committee to the full Senate for confirmation, I pledge to work in the best interest of the Foundation and our nation.


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