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ACR-1000 (Advanced CANDU Reactor)
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Enhanced CANDU 6

Enhanced CANDU 6

The CANDU 6 reactor is a proven performer, operating in five different countries with an excellent lifetime capacity factor record.

The Enhanced CANDU 6™ is rated to deliver a gross output of 740 MWe per unit.

Enhancement of the CANDU 6 design to achieve higher plant output include: the installation of an Ultrasonic Flow Meter (UFM) to improve the accuracy of feedwater flow measurements, improvements in turbine design itself and change in condenser vacuum system design for operation at lower condenser pressures.

AECL continues to develop other features to further improve the plant’s performance while maintaining the basic features of the CANDU 6 design, which over time have proven to be extremely reliable with an excellent production record since the early 1980s. The additional enhancements include:

  • Increased plant margins, both operational and safety
  • Enhanced environmental protection
  • Improved Severe Accident Response
  • Improved Fire Protection System
  • Improved Plant Security
  • Modern Computers and Control Systems
  • Improved Plant Operability and Maintainability
  • Optimized Plant Maintenance Outages
  • Reduced Overall Project Schedule
  • Advanced MACSTOR Design for Spent Fuel Storage
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