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Small Business
PSE&G Customer Service
Small Business
PSE&G offers convenient, cost-efficient energy services to help New Jersey’s small businesses succeed.
Meter Reading
Information about meter reading and PSE&G's standard offer. >> More
Rebate Programs
Learn how you can receive money for upgrading to high efficiency equipment and for investing in clean energy generation technologies. >> More
WorryFree Repair & Contract Services
Protect your business's heating and cooling equipment. >> More
Outdoor Lighting
Find out what PSE&G has to offer in Outdoor Lighting. >> More
WorryFree Commercial Water Heater Replacement
Has your commercial water heater failed? Replace it today. >> More
WorryFree Customer Testimonials
Read about small business owners sharing their trade secrets and successes with WorryFree Contracts. >> More
How to have your electric and gas safely removed before receiving a demolition permit from your municipality. >> More
Helping companies to find sites, locate facilities, maximize incentive returns, and location issues in New Jersey. >> More
   Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Tool
How much money could you save using compressed natural gas?
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   Free Services for Businesses
New, free on-line services for PSE&G business customers.
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   Outdoor Lighting Evaluation and Estimate
Sign up for a FREE outdoor lighting evaluation and estimate.
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   Superior Security and Roadway Lighting Solutions
Fight crime, improve safety, reduce liability.
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   Online Bill Payment
Pay your PSE&G bills online.
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   WorryFree Contracts
Protection for your business's heating, cooling equipment, and major appliances.
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