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Digging Safely  email this page
Be a Part of PSE&G’s Partnership for Damage Prevention
New Jersey communities pay dearly when underground utility services are damaged. Damage to underground utility services can result in costly delays, environmental damage, liability, personal injury and even loss of life.  In addition to interrupting resident’s utility service, these damages can cause traffic disruptions, explosions, evacuations and costly property damage. The type of response needed can put a very real drain on a municipality’s emergency resources.
  • Underground electric and gas facilities are damaged almost 4,000 times each year in New Jersey.
  • A third of those are caused by excavators who haven’t called and requested that utility companies locate and mark their underground facilities as required by law.

These damages can be avoided. Stressing the importance of digging safely is critical. Your participation in PSE&G’s partnership for damage prevention can help. Together, we can teach those who dig -- whether they are homeowners, private contractors or DPW crews -- the importance of calling for a mark-out. Our message is simple:

     Call NJ’s One Call Bureau before you dig: 811 or 1-800-272-1000.
It’s the law!

We encourage you to read the law and Underground Facility Protection Act.

You can request the materials listed below  (order form and instructions) to help promote damage prevention awareness in your area.  The material is free, as is the mark-out request. Use these materials:

For posting in/around facilities (signs, stickers, etc.)

  • Street post signs which can be posted on parking signs in areas of high pedestrian traffic, near hardware stores, garden centers, and town/court parking lots
  • Bumper stickers for display on town vehicles.
  • License plate frames for town vehicles
  • Metal signs for posting on buildings, fences, near town underground facilities

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For distribution to residents and excavators (pamphlets, stickers, wallet cards, etc.)

  • Pamphlets that explain mark-out law requirement (for distribution from town offices / libraries)
  • Stickers for permits, forms, and other municipal applications.
  • Damage prevention booklet that provides additional information on gas and electric facilities

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For inclusion in promotional materials (video and graphics for media, town web page, presentations, etc.)

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For town officials developing training material (SOP guidance, etc.)

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Join PSE&G in making gas safety a priority. The cost of inaction is just too great!

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