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PSE&G: A Leader in Reliability
New Jersey customers depend on PSE&G for safe, reliable gas and electricity, and we deliver for them. For the sixth year in a row, PSE&G has received the ReliabilityOne Award for the Mid-Atlantic region by PA Consulting1.  PA Consulting also awarded PSE&G its ReliabilityOne National Achievement Award for 2005 and 2006. We've earned these honors through solid engineering and innovation, and the constant commitment of our skilled personnel.

1The ReliabilityOne awards are given annually by PA Consulting, an industry benchmarking group, to honor the utilities with the most reliable electric systems. Winners are chosen using a rigorous, quantitatively-driven process. Each award recipient undergoes both a quantitative analysis of its performance based on electric industry standard reliability indices and a qualitative review of its reliability systems, processes and procedures. More than 100 utilities participate annually.

About PSE&G
We're committed to delivering targeted services to meet our customers' energy needs. >> More
For Your Home
The information you need as a residential customer. >> More
For Your Business
Helpful information for small and industrial business customers. >> More
For Your Town or City
Helpful information for elected officials and municipal mayors. >> More
NJ Energy Choice
Learn about the many issues and terms about energy restructuring in New Jersey. >> More
Tariffs & Rates
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Oasis - Electric Transmission Information
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PSE&G Solar Loans